One of my friends had challenged me to make a Catholic remix to Gangnam Style since I am pretty decent at making remixes and parodies of current songs.
My remix focuses on Mary and the role she played in bringing Jesus into the world so that we may be saved from sin and death. Then the next part of the song focuses on the works that Jesus did and how important of a role he played in saving us and helping us get to heaven. In the video, one of my friends plays the Devil while another one of my friends plays the role of Jesus. The dance battle scene shows that we experience attacks from the Devil through temptations, but if we have Jesus on our side and try our best to avoid these temptations, the Devil will eventually leave us alone for awhile. The running scene involving Jesus and the Devil shows that Jesus came down and he chases down that evil that lurks around the world so that we have a chance to get into heaven. The scene where the man and Jesus meet and hug shows that we have to take a chance to find Jesus or allow him to enter our lives so that we may grow in faith and live the way he lived. Then the ending scene shows how Jesus has conquered the Devil.

Contest: 2013 Goodness Reigns “Share the Story”

Created By: Cyl Jarasa
Parish/School Name: Incarnation Church
Location: Glendale, California, USA
Experience Level:
Filmmaker Age: 
Video Length:
 2 min 51 sec

Cast: – Jesus: Matthew Carew – Devil: John Reyes – Dancers: Mnason Abrot, Kimberly Bondoc, and Jennifer Robles
Camera Crew: – Melinda Jarasa – John Reyes – Matthew Carew

Filmmaker Bio: I am 22 and recently graduated from the University of California, Irvine. I currently live in Glendale and I am really involved in Incarnation Church through Confirmation, Youth Ministry, Choir, and my charismatic prayer group, Heart of Jesus.
I have made only a couple of videos during my lifetime and just taught myself how to use the iMovie program to my advantage.
I love making parodies and remixes of popular songs and this past year I wanted to attempt to make them faith-based. My first remix was to the song “Right Next To You” by Chris Brown. Then I made one for “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz, “Without You” by Chris Brown, and “Gangnam Style” by PSY.
I love singing because I believe that this was one of God’s many gifts to me that I should share with others.

YOUCAT/Catechism Inspiration: My film was inspired by various topics brought up within the YOUCAT since my main focus was Mother Mary, Jesus Christ, and God the Father.
Here are the numbers of the questions that are brought up in the lyrics for the video:
#3. We seek God since our hearts are restless and craves him.
#9. God sent down his only Son so that we may be saved because he loves us.
#37. Jesus’ Father is our Father as well. #74. Jesus is the Son of God.
#84. Mary chose to be an instrument of God by saying “Yes.”
#90. Jesus performed miracles during his lifetime. #108. Jesus’ crucifixion conquered death.
#148. Mary will be able to intercede for us “now and at the hour of our death.”
#337. Jesus saved us from our sins.
#480. Bits of the “Hail Mary” are mentioned within the lyrics such as, “Hail Mary, full of grace” and “now and at the hour of our death.”

Category: Films
About The Author
- Suzanne Haugh directs the charitable non-profit Goodness Reigns, Inc. and has worked as a Catholic journalist for over 13 years. She lives in Louisville, KY, with her husband of 20 years and their three children.

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